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Two DHS-B 12m³, fully radio controlled, for a customer in the middle East

A delivery of two fully radio controlled DHS-B 12m³ grabs for a customer in the middle East.

The advantage of the diesel grabs is that the diesel engine provides the power for the grab, so no other power supply is needed.

They work independently without needing additional equipment.

Made in Germany.

A DHS-BC 14m³, fully radio controlled, for a customer in North America

A delivery of a fully radio controlled DHS-BC 14m³ grab for a customer in north America.

The DHS-BC has fully closed shells and therefor is environmental-friendly.

No further equipment is needed, just a hook.

Made in Germany.

A DHS-B 14m³, fully radio controlled, for a customer in North America

A delivery of a fully radio controlled DHS-B 14m³ grab for a customer in north America.

The advantage of the diesel grabs is that the diesel engine provides the power for the grab, so no current or feed lines are needed.

No further equipment is needed, just a hook.

Made in Germany.

A 2S-4-2B mechanical 4-rope grab for Germany

A mechanical 4-rope grab ORTS 2S-4-2B is ready for delivery to a german customer.

The advantage of the mechanical 4-rope grabs is that no current or feed lines are needed.

They are robust and reliable with low maintenance and are mainly used for bulk materials.

Made in Germany.

Another diesel hydraulic grab DHZ, fully radio controlled, for Germany

Another customer in Germany is picking up his order of the ORTS diesel hydraulic grab DHZ.

These grabs are popular for cleaning out digesters of Biogas plants.

They are small enough to be mounted on jibs of mobile cranes.

Made in Germany.

Another shipment of diesel hydraulic grabs DHS-BC 12,6m³ , fully radio controlled, for southern Africa

Our customer in southern Africa was very satisfied, leading to an order of two more ORTS diesel hydraulic grabs DHS-BC 12,6m³.

These grabs are especially designed for very fine dry bulk cargo.

The bulk carriers can use their own deck cranes and the DHS-BC grabs to unload themselves.

Made in Germany.

Diesel hydraulic grab DHZ, fully radio controlled, for Germany

A delivery for a customer of the ORTS diesel hydraulic grab DHZ.

These grabs are popular for cleaning out digesters of Biogas plants.

They are small enough to be mounted on jibs of mobile cranes.

Made in Germany.

DHS-B 12m³ clamshell bucket diesel-hydraulic, radio controlled

A new customer in the USA ordered the ORTS diesel-hydraulic grab DHS-B 12m³ 

The grab will stay in a port and enables the incoming vessels to unload themself with their own deck cranes.

No further equipment is needed, just a hook.

Made in Germany.

New diesel hydraulic grabs DHS-BC 12,6m³ , fully radio controlled, for southern Africa

A new customer in southern Africa received ORTS diesel hydraulic grabs DHS-BC 12,6m³.

These grabs are especially designed for very fine dry bulk cargo.

The bulk carriers can use their own deck cranes and the DHS-BC grabs to unload themselves. After the discharging operation is finished, the grabs stay in the port and wait for the next vessel coming in.

Made in Germany.

Delivery of radio controlled diesel-hydraulic grabs DHS-BC 13m³ with special clamshells for very fine dry bulk cargo

Delivery of radio controlled diesel-hydraulic grabs DHS-BC 13m³ with special clamshells for very fine dry bulk cargo

ORTS developed the fully radio controlled diesel-hydraulic grabs 20 years ago.

Over the years, with support from good customers, the ORTS diesel-hydrauic grabs became reliable, effective and fast "workinghorses".

Radio controlled diesel-hydraulic grabs from ORTS are the better alternative solution compared to mechanical single rope grabs with radio control or pure mechanical single rope grabs.

The reason being ORTS diesel-hydraulic grabs don't have the problem of working height (distance between grab and crane hook, when the grab is closed).

Made in Germany.

Biggest diesel-hydraulic orange-peel grab delivered

At the End of 2016 the biggest diesel-hydraulic orange-peel grab by ORTS was delivered:

the DHM 12m³

The grab was for a customer in the Middle East used for handling of big rocks, limestone, gypsum and scrap.
ORTS GmbH developed the radio controlled diesel-hydraulic grabs over 20 years ago. Over the years and together with our customers we improved them step by step. Now the radio controlled diesel-hydraulic grabs DHS-B (2-clamshell), DHM (orange-peel) and DHZ (small diesel-hydraulic grabs) became reliable and effective "workinghorses".

Radio controlled diesel-hydraulic grabs are well suited when performance, speed and power are needed without having an external power-supply.

The diesel-hydraulic grabs from ORTS are working on all continents, wether it's warm areas or cold areas.

Made in Germany.

For our customer LHG (Lübeck Port Authority, Germany) we constructed and build a 75t load beam / traverse with several lashing points for multi-purpose use at their container- cranes

The construction and final load-beam were inspected and certified by DNVGL.

Made in Germany.

For a new building in Japan of an European customer, ORTS delivered 4 units of their high performance electro-hydraulic grabs EHS-B 12m³.

They will operate on board of a bulk carrier and ensure shortest port laytime for the vessel: Benefit for the owner and charterer.

Made in Germany.

Two of our independent fully radio controlled diesel-hydraulic grabs DHS-BC 8m³ were delivered to a customer in Far East

The grabs are designed for handling of soda ash.

ORTS diesel-hydraulic grabs operate with high productivity and on every kind of crane. They are fast and reliable.

ORTS: Grabs since 1972.

Independent diesel- hydraulic grabs since 1994.

Made in Germany.

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